As a Netreo administrator, how do I revoke a users ability to use the mobile app?
  • 09 Jan 2023
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As a Netreo administrator, how do I revoke a users ability to use the mobile app?

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Article summary

A user must have a Netreo web user account and web access to Netreo to be able to log in to the mobile application.

Deleting a user’s web user account (either locally or through Active Directory) will prevent the user from being able to log back in to Netreo through the mobile application.

Deleting that user’s Netreo cloud user account will then automatically eject the user from the mobile application. Without a web user account, that user would be unable to log back in.

Cloud user accounts are managed on the Cloud Services Dashboard in the Netreo appliance (Administrator > System > Cloud Services).

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