Cloud Libraries
  • 17 Apr 2023
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Cloud Libraries

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Article summary


The Netreo Cloud Libraries are a Netreo-curated online repository of various addition components for Netreo modules available for free download. Components of the following types may be downloaded (see below for details about these libraries):

These components may be downloaded to the local library of a Netreo deployment for use within that deployment.

Every Netreo deployment creates local libraries to store the components of each type (device templates, service checks, etc.) that Netreo is shipped with. These local libraries are accessible only to that deployment. Cloud libraries provide a place to upload and download additional and custom components to and from.

For example, Netreo provides many more service checks in its cloud library than are shipped with a standard deployment of Netreo. These additional checks are usually for devices that are not common in the field, and their exclusion from Netreo reduces the size of Netreo's footprint when deployed. Individually, these components may take up very little space, but collectively can make a difference in a deployment. The Netreo Cloud Libraries allow you to customize a standard deployment to fit your organization's needs.

Additionally, sometimes a Netreo support technician may create a custom component for a customer from within their deployment. If this custom component is one that could be useful to other Netreo customers, it can then be uploaded to the Netreo Cloud Libraries right from the customer's Netreo system. (Any component uploaded from a deployed Netreo system is subject to curation by Netreo before being made available to the public.)


In order to download/upload modules from/to the Netreo Cloud Libraries using the Internet, cloud services must be turned on in Netreo from the Netreo Cloud Services Dashboard (Administrator > System > Cloud Services). If your Netreo appliance is not connected to the Internet, cloud library components can still be installed manually on the Cloud Library Installation page using a text blob supplied by a Netreo support engineer. (To open the Cloud Library Installation page, navigate to the Cloud Services Dashboard and click the Cloud Library Installation button.)

When viewing the list of components in a cloud library, click the cloud download button to download and install the module. A yellow icon means that a version of that module is currently installed in your Netreo appliance and will be overwritten. This process cannot be undone.

Components can be uploaded from your Netreo local library to the Netreo cloud library by clicking the upload button next to a module's name in its respective local library list. All components uploaded to the Netreo cloud libraries are subject to a manual approval process before they will become available for download. Once approved, components becomes available for download to all Netreo customers.

Components uploaded to a Netreo Overview cloud library (see below) from a client are only available for download by other client appliances of that Overview. However, since these libraries are completely controlled by the customer administrating the Overview, modules can be made available for download immediately.

Netreo Overview Cloud Libraries

When a Netreo Overview is deployed, its local libraries become the equivalent of the Netreo Cloud Libraries for all clients of that Overview. When an Overview uploads or downloads a component of a certain type, it is doing so from the actual online Netreo Cloud Library for that type. However, when an Overview client uploads or downloads a component, it is really doing so from the Overview local library of that type, ensuring that downloads for all clients are administrated from the Overview.

In addition to all of the standard libraries listed above, Netreo Overview libraries also include the following (see below for details about these libraries):

These component libraries are exclusive to Netreo Overview deployments.

Available Libraries

Netreo Cloud Libraries

Action Groups

To see what action groups are currently installed in your Netreo appliance and what's available from the cloud library, open the Actions Administration page (Administration > Alerts > Actions). Any action groups listed here may be uploaded. Click the Actions Cloud Library button to open the cloud library.

This library is only available to SuperAdmins.

Alert Templates

To see what alert templates are currently installed in your Netreo appliance and what's available from the cloud library, open the Alert Templates Administration page (Administration > Alerts > Alert Formatting). Any alert templates listed here may be uploaded. Click the Alert Templates Cloud Library button to open the cloud library.

This library is only available to Administrators and SuperAdmins.

Device Templates

To see what device templates are currently installed in your Netreo appliance and what's available from the cloud library, open the Device Templates Administration page (Administration > Templates). Any device templates listed here may be uploaded. Click the Device Templates Cloud Library button to open the cloud library.

This library is only available to Administrators and SuperAdmins.

Device Types/Subtypes

To see what device types/subtypes are currently installed in your Netreo appliance and what's available from the cloud library, open the Polling Administration page (Administration > Change Devices > Edit Pollers). Any device types listed here may be uploaded. Click the Device Types Cloud Library button to open the types library. Or, you can click the View Subtypes button to switch to the subtype list. Any device subtypes listed here may be uploaded. Click the Device Subtypes Cloud Library button to open the subtypes library.

This library is only available to SuperAdmins.

Service Checks

To see what service checks are currently installed in your Netreo appliance and what's available from the cloud library, open the Service Checks Administration page (Administration > Change Devices > Manage Service Checks). Any service checks listed here may be uploaded. Click the Service Checks Cloud Library button to open the library.

This library is only available to SuperAdmins.

Netreo Overview Cloud Libraries

Incident Management Rules

(Netreo Overview only.)

This library type is intended for users of Netreo Overview. Incident management rules can be created in Overview and uploaded to its incident management rules cloud library as a complete set. This rule set can then be downloaded by the Overview's client Netreo appliances, completely replacing any incident management rules they may currently have.

To see what incident management rules are currently available on your client Netreo appliance and what's available from your Overview cloud library, open the Incident Criteria Administration page (Administration > Alerts > Incident Management).

This library is only available to SuperAdmins.

Web User Profiles

(Netreo Overview only.)

Web user profiles can be created within an Overview deployment and uploaded to its user cloud library. User profiles can then be downloaded by the Overview's client Netreo appliances. Downloaded user profiles will delete and replace any existing user profile with the same name. Currently, Overview user profiles store a username, password, and access level (user, administrator, etc.).

To see what user profiles are currently on your client Netreo and what's available from the Overview cloud library, open the Users Administration page (Administration > Users > Add/Edit Web Users).

This library is only available to SuperAdmins.

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