How to Set Up a Sandbox Deployment of Netreo SaaS
  • 10 Jan 2023
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How to Set Up a Sandbox Deployment of Netreo SaaS

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Article summary

Netreo "Ultimate" customers are entitled to a sandbox deployment of Netreo SaaS for testing and staging purposes.

To deploy a Netreo SaaS sandbox environment follow the steps below.

  1. In whatever domain you use for your main Netreo SaaS deployment create a new subdomain using the name "sandbox.$YOUR-DOMAIN-NAME" to house the sandbox deployment.
    • This process is typically handled by adding an “A” record to your DNS configuration that points to the appropriate server. However, there are many possible ways to create a subdomain. Contact your DNS provider for details.
  2. Once your subdomain is created, contact Netreo support for activation of your sandbox environment.
  3. Once your sandbox has been deployed, go to the Netreo SaaS portal page ( and log in using $USERNAME@$DOMAIN-NAME as you normally would, but include the subdomain in the domain name.
    • The password will be your Netreo SaaS password or other identity-provider password.

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