- 18 Nov 2024
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Incidents API
- Updated on 18 Nov 2024
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Netreo's API system must be enabled to use this API. See How to Enable Netreo API Access
Calls to this API are made using HTTP/HTTPS and are sent as key/value pairs in a GET or POST request.
The resource accessed by this API is the list of currently "active" incidents in Netreo.
This resource offers the following endpoints:
- Active Incident List
Resource URL
Active Incident List
GET or POST/incident_api.php
Retrieves the list of active incidents and their related data.
The parameters for this endpoint can be included as query string parameters in a GET request, or as request body parameters in a POST request.
String/Required if authentication is enabled.
The API key set in Netreo’s API Administration. Case-sensitive.
String/Required when using Netreo SaaS-based APIs. Not applicable to on-premise deployments.
The pin number supplied in Netreo’s API Administration.
retrieves a list of all currently active incidents (i.e. incidents that are not closed).getincidentdetail
retrieves complete detailed information about a specific incident along with detailed information on the device that the primary alarm in the incident is related to, if any.
String/Required if using getincidentdetail
The unique ID of the incident for which you wish to retrieve details. Only used when using getincidentdetail
for the method request above.
Request Examples
Retrieving all active incidents using GET with API authentication enabled
Retrieving detailed information on a specific incident using GET with API authentication enabled
A successful or unsuccessful call to this API will return a standard JSON object.
Response Examples
Note: The output will be returned as standard JSON without indentation or line breaks. It is formatted here to make the examples easier to read.
Active Incident List
{ "result":"completed", "active_incidents": [ { "title":"Application Service for Support", "incident_state":"OPEN", "incident_id":"sw_omni_9_1-1156", "open_time":"2016-07-20T14:55:32" }, { "title":"Service EIGRP on Router1", "incident_state":"OPEN", "incident_id":"CustomerCorp-1325", "open_time":"2016-07-22T09:26:33", "name":"Router1", "device_category":"Core Routers", "device_site":"netreo_hq", "device_note":"This is an arbitrary note for router1." }, { "title":"Service for Device Polling Status on Lync2013_netreo-test_info", "incident_state":"OPEN", "incident_id":"CustomerCorp-2232", "open_time":"2016-08-01T12:16:23", "name":"Lync2013_netreo-test_info", "device_category":"Windows Servers", "device_site":"netreo_hq", "device_note":"" } ] }
Single Incident
{ "result":"completed", "incident": { "title":"Service EIGRP on Router1", "incident_state":"OPEN", "incident_id":"sw_omni_9_1-1325", "name":"Router1", "device_category":"Core Routers", "device_site":"netreo1", "related_strategic_groups": [ "Infrastructure" ], "device_note":"This is an arbitrary note for router1.", "device_documentation": [ "documentation": [ { "name":"Router", "value":"1" }, { "name":"Where", "value":"Backroom" }, ], "reference_contact": [ { "Contact Address":"8717 Research Dr", "Contact City":"Irvine", "Contact Country":"US", "Contact Email":"info@netreo.com", "Contact Name":"Info", "Contact Number":"949-769-5700", "Contact State":"CA", "Contact Zip":"92708" }, { "Contact Address":"8717 Research Dr", "Contact City":"Irvine", "Contact Country":"United States", "Contact Email":"engineering@netreo.com", "Contact Name":"Engineering", "Contact Number":"9497695700", "Contact State":"CA", "Contact Zip":"92708" } ], ], "primary_alarm_state":"OPEN", "incident_open_time":"2016-07-22T09:26:33", "acknowledged":0, "ack_time":"", "ack_user":"", "ack_comment":"", "alert_type":"Service", "detail": { "primary_alarm_log": [ { "state":"UNKNOWN", "type":"Service", "name":"Router1", "output":"EIGRP Neighbors not available", "time":"2016-07-22T09:26:23" } ], "relatedalarms": [], "incident_log": [ { "state":"OPEN", "time":"2016-07-22T09:26:33", "username":"system", "comment":"Initialized state to OPEN" } ] } } }
Response Schema
Active Incident List
Output | Type | Description |
result | string | Returns "completed" if the call was successfully received by Netreo.Returns "error" if the call encountered an error. A description pair indicating the issue will follow. |
active_incidents | array[object] | Array of active incidents. |
title | string | The title of an incident as it appears in Netreo. |
incident_state | string | The above incident's current "incident state." |
incident_id | string | The unique ID assigned to the above incident. |
open_time | string | The date and time the respective incident was opened. |
name | string | The name of the managed device associated with the primary alarm for the above incident. |
device_category | string | The category (device group) the above device belongs to. |
device_site | string | The site (device group) the above device belongs to. |
device_note | string | The contents of the "Device Note" field from the "Main" device administration page, if any, for the above device. |
Single Incident
Output | Type | Description |
result | string | Returns "completed" if the call was successfully received by Netreo.Returns "error" if the call encountered an error. A description pair indicating the issue will follow. |
incident | object | Object containing all data for this incident. |
title | string | The title of this incident as it appears in Netreo. |
incident_state | string | The "incident state" of this incident, at the time of retrieval. |
incident_id | string | The unique ID assigned to this incident by Netreo. |
name | string | The name of the managed device associated with the primary alarm for this incident. |
device_category | string | The category (device group) this device belongs to. |
device_site | string | The site (device group) this device belongs to. |
related_strategic_groups | array[string] | The strategic groups (device group) this device belongs to, if any. |
device_note | string | The contents of the "Device Note" field from the "Main" device administration page, if any, for this device. |
device_documentation | array[object] | Array containing user-created device attributes and reference contacts, if any, for this device. |
documentation | array[object] | Array containing data, if any, representing the "Device Attributes" section of the Documentation device administration page for this device. |
name | string | The user created name for this device attribute. |
value | string | The user assigned value for this device attribute. |
reference_contact | array[object] | Array containing data, if any, representing the "Reference Contacts" section of the Documentation device administration page for this device. |
Contact Address | string | The respective user entered value for this contact. |
Contact City | string | The respective user entered value for this contact. |
Contact Country | string | The respective user entered value for this contact. |
Contact Email | string | The respective user entered value for this contact. |
Contact Name | string | The respective user entered value for this contact. |
Contact Number | string | The respective user entered value for this contact. |
Contact State | string | The respective user entered value for this contact. |
Contact Zip | string | The respective user entered value for this contact. |
primary_alarm_state | string | The state of the primary alarm of this incident at the time of retrieval. |
incident_open_time | string | The date and time this incident was opened. |
acknowledged | number | Code indicating if this incident has been acknowledged. 0 indicates incident has not been acknowledged, 1 indicates incident has been acknowledged. |
ack_time | string | The date and time this incident was acknowledged. |
ack_user | string | The Netreo user who acknowledged this incident. |
ack_comment | string | The user-entered comment associated with incident acknowledgement. |
alert_type | string | The type of alarm that caused this incident, as listed in Alert Template Administration. |
detail | string | Additional data associated with this incident. |
primary_alarm_log | array[object] | Array of data representing logged state changes for the primary alarm. |
state | string | The state of the check that caused this alarm at time (see below). |
type | string | The type of Netreo check that caused this alarm. |
name | string | The name of the managed device the above check is associated with. |
output | string | The response code or other output returned by the check at time (see below). |
time | string | The date and time that this alarm changed to this state. |
relatedalarms | array[object] | Array of data representing logged state changes for related alarms (same as primary alarm, above). |
incident_log | array[object] | Array of data representing Netreo incident log entries for this incident. |
state | string | The incident state of the incident at time (see below). |
time | string | The date and time of this log entry. |
username | string | The Netreo username associated with this log entry. |
comment | string | The comment associated with this log entry. |