Incident List Page
  • 06 Aug 2024
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Incident List Page

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Article summary

The incident list page can be viewed by users logged in at any access level.

To navigate to the incident list page go to the main menu and select Quick Views > Active Incidents.

The tabs at the top of the page allow you to view the active incidents in different ways, and search for specific incidents.

ActiveView Tab

The "ActiveView" tab displays a list of all currently active incidents. At the top right of the page is a small message indicating when the list was last refreshed

By default, the incident list displays sorted by timestamp, but it can also be sorted by incident title, current state, or incident ID. (Note: If the list is sorted by another column, it cannot be sorted again by timestamp. However, simply navigating to another tab and then back again will restore the timestamp sort.)

At the top left are easy-to-read circular status indicators showing the number of TOTAL, OPEN, ACKNOWLEDGED, and ALARMS CLEARED incidents. If an indicator is dimmed, it means that no incidents of that type currently exist.

This tab also provides tools to acknowledge and unacknowledge incidents, both individually and en masse. Tick the checkbox next to the incident(s) you want to acknowledge/unacknowledge and then select the appropriate option. (Please note that the All button at the top right of the table does not select "all" incidents, but rather switches from a paginated list showing 25 incidents per page to a list that displays all incidents on a single page.)

Selecting the magnifying glass icon for an incident in the ACTIONS column opens the Incident View Dashboard for that incident where you can view it in detail.

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