Monitor & Alert Time Frames Administration
  • 22 Jan 2024
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Monitor & Alert Time Frames Administration

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Article summary

To open the Time Frames Administration page: From the main menu, select Administration > Alerts > Time Frames.

On this page you can manage existing time frames or create your own custom new ones. Time frames are used in several locations throughout Netreo for scheduling, particularly in alarm configuration and reporting. The time periods within the time frame typically represent when it permissible for Netreo to perform some action, or the periods of time to include in some other action.

Click the New Time Frame button to create a new custom time frame. Existing time frames can be edited by clicking the edit icon next to the time frame you would like to edit.

Time frames are configured based on the 24-hour clock and must be entered in the following format: 00:00-00:00 (numbers only, separated by colons and dashes, with no spaces). The first set of numbers is the hours:minutes of the start time. This is followed by a dash, and then the hours:minutes of the end time. You can add as many separate time periods as you want within the same time frame by entering additional time periods on a new line—however, time periods must not overlap. You must also make certain that you enter the times using the correct format above, as there is no error checking when saving time frames.

Netreo includes a few default time frames for your convenience.

  • 24x7 - Self-explanatory. 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
  • none - No hours configured. Use this to have something never trigger.
  • nonworkhours - The inverse of all hours included in workhours, below.
  • workhours - 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

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