Netreo Core (Device Type)
  • 18 Nov 2024
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Netreo Core (Device Type)

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Article summary

Basic Info

Device License: 1.0

Polling Method: non-SNMP

Required Device Template: None

Required Service Checks: None

Collected Metrics

Statistical GroupMetric TitleFirst StatisticSecond StatisticUnitPolling Method
CPUSystem Overall AverageSystem OverallN/A%read from /proc/stat file
CPU1 min (CPU Load)CPU Load 1 minN/ALoadSNMP
CPU5 min (CPU Load)CPU Load 5 minN/ALoadSNMP
CPU15 min (CPU Load)CPU Load 15 minN/ALoadSNMP
CPUUtilization by ProcessProcess [$process_name]N/A%read from service engine CPU cache file
DiskFree SpaceFree Space [$mount_name]N/ABytesSNMP
DiskI/O Average Wait TimeI/O Average Wait Time [$mount_name]N/A%SNMP
DiskI/O UtilizationI/O Utilization [$mount_name]N/A%SNMP
DiskRead I/ORead [$mount_name]N/ABytes/sSNMP
DiskUtilizationUtilization [$mount_name]N/A%SNMP
DiskWrite I/0Write [$mount_name]N/ABytes/sSNMP
MemoryAvailable Memory StatisticsAvailable OverallN/ABytesSNMP
MemoryMB of Ballooned RAMMB of Ballooned RAM OverallN/ABytesCLI command
MemorySwapSwap Overall UtilizationN/A%SNMP
MemorySystem Overall UtilizationSystem Overall UtilizationN/A%SNMP
MemoryUtilization by ProcessProcess [$process_name]N/ABytesSNMP
Netreo Diagnostics
Device Count
Device Count
Netreo Diagnostics
Netreo Queue Performance
Netreo Queue Performance
N/AJobsread from /db/log/debug.log
Netreo Diagnostics
Netreo Queue Size
Netreo Queue Size
N/AJobsread from /db/log/debug.log
Netreo Diagnostics
Total Netreo Metrics
Total Netreo Metrics
Netreo Diagnostics
Total Service Checks
Total Service Checks
N/AService ChecksSNMP
LatencyRound-trip LatencyRound Trip timeN/ASecondsSNMP
Poll TimePoll TimePoll Time OverallN/ASecondsDB Query (OAM generated value)
Service EnginesMySQL Host ConnectionsMySQL Host Connections OverallN/AConns (Connections)DB Query (MySQL generated value)
Service EnginesOAM LatencyOAM Latency OverallN/ASecondsDB Query (OAM generated value)
Service EnginesPolling QueuePolling Queue OverallN/A%DB Query(OAM generated value)


The polling queue metric indicates the volume of skipped polling jobs as a percentage of the system's queue limit. For example, if the metric shows 3.000% and the server's queue limit is 50,000, then 1,500 polling jobs were skipped during that time.

The only difference between this device type and the Netreo Service Engine (Device Type) is that this type collects several additional "Netreo Diagnostics" metrics.

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