System Management Tools
  • 19 Sep 2024
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System Management Tools

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Article summary


These tools are intended to be used only as directed by a Netreo support engineer and are available only to users with the SuperAdmin access level. They are not intended for customer use in troubleshooting their own systems and are not supported for that use.

The System Management page contains several tools that can be used to aid Netreo support in diagnosing issues with your Netreo deployment.

Select Administration >> System >> System Management from the main menu to navigate to the System Management page.

These tools can be run from the UI of any active Netreo appliance (with one exception), including:

  • Any primary instance (including high-availability and Overview)
  • The replica instance of a high-availability deployment
  • Any service engine instance
  • Any client instance of a Netreo Overview deployment

(Exception) These tools can not be run from the arbitrator instance of a high-availability deployment as it does not have a UI. However, an arbitrator can be selected as the target of the tools when run from another instance.

If run from a primary instance, any other connected Netreo instance can be selected as the tool's target. However, if run from a non-primary instance, only that instance (that is, itself) can be selected as the target.

MySQL Query Tool

With this tool, users can run queries (Select only) against the MySQL databases of Netreo VMs.

The purpose of this tool is to allow Netreo support personnel to more easily obtain database information from a customer system to aid in troubleshooting. Netreo support personnel will provide the customer with specific queries that can be run from this tool to collect the necessary data. That data can then be exported via the tool and sent to Netreo for evaluation. This enables support personnel to examine the data without requiring direct access to the customer system.


To run a Netreo-provided query through this tool, follow the procedure below.

  1. Log in as a user with the SuperAdmin access level to either your primary Netreo appliance or the Netreo instance against which you plan to run the query.
  2. Select Administration >> System >> System Management from the main menu to open the System Management page.
  3. If not already selected, select the "MySQL Query" tool by using the buttons at the top of the page.
  4. On the Application System panel, in the NETREO DEVICE field, use the pull-down menu to select the Netreo instance against which to run the query.
  5. On the Query panel, copy/paste the query provided to you by Netreo support. (Only supports read-only commands.)
  6. Click the Submit button.
  7. The results of the query are displayed in the Result panel.
  8. Click the CSV button to export the data to a CSV file.
  9. Send the file to Netreo using the method requested by support.

The tool has a hard limit of 1000 results maximum. However, it does accept commands to limit the maximum results to fewer than that.

Processes Tool

With this tool, users can manually restart selected Netreo internal processes or completely restart a Netreo VM from within the Netreo UI.

The purpose of this tool is to allow Netreo support personnel to easily restart Netreo internal processes (a common troubleshooting step) without resorting to the command line. Using this tool allows Netreo support personnel to direct customers to restart specific processes without the need for direct access to a customer system. It can also be used to restart a Netreo VM from within the Netreo UI (expect an appropriate amount of downtime for the relevant system when rebooting a VM).

When the Netreo processes affected by this tool are listed, they are organized into the following categories:

  • Availability Engine - Processes responsible for service checks and host availability checking.
  • Database - Processes responsible for the database that holds Netreo system configurations. (This does not include managed device historical performance data. That is stored separately.)
  • Incident Management - Processes responsible for incident creation, alarm correlation, and the sending of alert notifications.
  • Logging and Traps - Processes responsible for processing SNMP traps and syslogs sent to Netreo.
  • NetFlow - Processes responsible for processing traffic flow packets sent to Netreo.
  • Netreo Monitor - Processes responsible for starting, stopping, and monitoring Netreo's internal functions. Includes all of the services and processes listed in these categories.
  • Polling Engine - Processes responsible for all the jobs that request, receive, process, and store all historical performance data for managed devices.

This tool supports two methods of process restart:

  • Graceful Restart (uses the restart command) - The square icon. Attempts to restart the process normally.
  • Force Restart (uses the kill-9 command) - The X icon. Forces the process to stop without attempting to restart. Netreo then attempts to restart the process using its own internal logic.


To use the tool to restart a group of Netreo services (or a Netreo VM), follow the procedure below.

  1. Log in as a user with the SuperAdmin access level to either your primary Netreo appliance or the Netreo instance against which you plan to run the query.
  2. Select Administration >> System >> System Management from the main menu to open the System Management page.
  3. If not already selected, select the "Processes" tool by using the buttons at the top of the page.
  4. On the Application System panel, in the NETREO DEVICE field, use the pull-down menu to select the Netreo instance against which to run the tool.
  5. Click the List Processes button.
  6. A list of Netreo internal process categories is displayed, as well as their current status. (Each category includes multiple related processes.)
    • The list results from a single query and is not a real time display of running processes.
    • Different categories are displayed depending on your Netreo deployment configuration (not all categories are available on all appliances).
    • Netreo processes currently not running are displayed as "missing" in the category info area.
  7. As directed by a Netreo support  engineer, restart a process category using the buttons to the right.
    1. In the pop-up dialog that appears, click the Yes button.
  8. Click the List Processes button again to confirm that the selected category has actually stopped all of its processes.

It is important to note that Netreo frequently restarts its own processes in the normal execution of events, so stopped processes displayed in the list are not necessarily of concern. However, if a process continually shows as stopped, we recommend you contact Netreo support for additional help.

Database Processes
Due to the way databases work in a Netreo high-availability deployment, the Database category of processes is never available for appliances with an active HA configuration (Administration >> System >> High Availability). Delete your HA configuration to access the Database category of processes for those appliances.

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