User Authentication Settings
  • 06 Feb 2024
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User Authentication Settings

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Article summary

Authentication Options

Authentication options are configured on the Authentication Administration page (Administration >> Users >> Authentication Settings).

Netreo offers several options for managing user login authentication.

  • Netreo Local
  • Active Directory (LDAP)
  • SAML (2.0)

These authentication modes cannot be mixed. You may select only one mode to manage all Netreo users.

Switching to an authentication option other than Netreo Local requires that user accounts and passwords be administrated externally. Special local accounts called "shadow accounts" are still created within Netreo automatically. These accounts are associated with the relevant external accounts and allow you to administrate Netreo-specific user account options, such as user partitions, user dashboards, favorites, etc.

Password Management
If an authentication mode other than Netreo Local is used, Netreo administrators will no longer be able to set or change passwords of local users from within Netreo. The is one exception to this rule: A Netreo SuperAdmin may change their own local password with Active Directory (LDAP) authentication enabled.

Netreo Local

This is the default user authentication mode for Netreo.

Local authentication allows you to manage user accounts and passwords from within Netreo on the Users Administration page (Administration >> Users >> Edit/Add Web Users from the main menu).

Active Directory (LDAP)

(On-premises deployments only. Not available in SaaS.)

Netreo can integrate with Active Directory using LDAP to manage user accounts and passwords. Multiple Active Directory servers are supported.

See How to Configure Netreo to Use Active Directory for User Management

SAML (2.0)

Netreo can integrate with the identity provider of your choice using SAML 2.0 to manage user accounts and passwords.

See How to Configure Netreo to Use SAML 2.0 for User Management

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