Web Application Administration Reference
  • 18 Dec 2024
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Web Application Administration Reference

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Article summary

Web Application Administration Page

This page is where WebART checks are created and managed. It is only available to users with the SuperAdmin permission level.

The Web Application Administration page can be found by navigating to Administration > Modules > Web Apps.

To create a WebART check see Create a WebART Check.

"Cloud Overview" Button
Click this button to open the Web Apps dashboard.

"Create Web Application" Button
Click this button to open the Add an Application page (see below) and begin the process of adding a WebART check to Netreo.

WebART Check Table
This table lists all of the WebART checks that have been added to Netreo. Enter a partial or full search term in the text box in the name column and hit enter to filter the list based on the search term. Delete the contents of the text box and hit enter to remove the filter. The list can be sorted by the NAME column. The table columns and their meanings are explained below.

The name of the WebART check given during creation.

The origin point selected during the creation of the WebART check from which the check's performance will be tested.

The actions available for managing the service engine. Each icon is explained in the table below.

Clone - Click to create a duplicate of the WebART check with the word "Clone" appended to the name. Useful for creating many similar checks quickly.
Overview - Click to open the Application Performance dashboard for this WebART check.
Edit - Click to open the [Application] - Edit page (see below) for the check to change its configuration.
Delete - Click to delete the check and remove it from Netreo. Does not affect any checks cloned from the deleted check.

Add an Application Page

This page is where new WebART checks are configured and added to Netreo. Open it by clicking the Create Web Application button on the Web Application Administration page (see above). The configuration fields and their descriptions are explained below.

Enter a name for this WebART check. Try to make the name something descriptive so the check can be easily identified in dashboards.

Related Business Workflows
Select any business workflows that contain devices relevant to the performance of the application being monitored. Multiple selection is allowed. These business workflows will then be displayed in a tactical overview-style widget on the Application Performance dashboard of the check, allowing you to immediately see if any current network issues are affecting the application.

Select the origin point for the check. Response time measurements will be from this "source" to the application and back. Select "Local" if you wish the check to be measured from the location of your Netreo server. Otherwise, select a Netreo service engine deployed from where you would like performance to be measured.

Web Application Type
Select the type of the origin point for the check. The selection will depend on your selection in the Location field. This field is only for the organization of WebART checks in dashboards, it does not affect the check's functionality in any way. When WebART checks are displayed in a dashboard widget, they will be broken down by this field selection.

[Application] - Edit Page

This page is where synthetic checks are added to your WebART check. Open this page by clicking the edit icon for the check on the Web Application Administration page.

Despite the name of the page, no edits to the check configuration are performed here. However, you must enter this page to navigate to the actual edit page for the check, as explained below.

"Applications List" Button
Click this button to return to the Web Application Administration page (see above).

"[Application] - Main" Button
Click this button to open the Application Performance dashboard for this check.

"Thresholds" Button
Click this button to open the [Application] - Threshold page (see below) for this check.

"Maintenance Window History" Button
Click this button to open the Maintenance Window History page (see below) for this check.

Application Table
This table displays the currently configured options for this WebART check. The columns and their descriptions are explained below.

The name of the application as set in the "Name" field of the Add an Application page (see above).

Any business workflows this check has been configured to be associated with as set in the "Related Business Workflows" field of the Add an Application page (see above)..

The web application type configured for this check, as set in the "Web Application Type" field of the Add an Application page (see above).

This column contains two indicators:

  • Status
    Indicates whether or not any synthetic checks have been configured for the check. A WebART check will not become active until at least one functioning synthetic check has been added to it.
  • Threshold
    Indicates whether or not any threshold checks are active for this check.

The actions available for managing the WebART check. The icons and their meanings are explained in the table below.

Edit - Click to open the [Application] - Update page (see below).
Delete - Click to delete the check and remove it from Netreo. Does not affect any checks cloned from the deleted check. Provides the same functionality as the Delete icon on the Web Application Administration page.

"Synthetic Checks" Table
This table shows all of the synthetic checks that have been added to this check in the order in which they are executed. The columns and their descriptions are explained below. New steps in the path can be added by clicking the Add Subsequent Step button at the bottom of the table.

This column displays the contents of the "Check Description" field in the [Application] - Edit Detail page (see below). Synthetic checks should be named in a descriptive manner according to their function in the path.

This column displays the "type" of the synthetic check. There are only two types:

  • Web App Check Step - which is always the type of the first step.
  • Web App Subsequent Step - which is always the type of any additional steps.

This column displays the URL in the path that this step checks.

The actions available for managing the WebART check. The icons and their meanings are explained in the table below.

View - Click to display a pop-up screenshot of the page specified in the URL. This is helpful in determining if the page is being correctly retrieved.
Edit - Click to open the [Application] - Edit Detail page (see below).
Delete - Click to delete the check and remove it from Netreo. Does not affect any checks cloned from the deleted check. Provides the same functionality as the Delete icon on the Web Application Administration page.

"Add Subsequent Step" Button
Located at the bottom of the "Synthetic Checks" table. Click this button to open the [Application] - Subsequent Step page (see below).

[Application] - Update Page

This page is where basic options for the WebART check can be configured, as well as action group options for the built-in availability service check ("Custom Application Check" panel).

"Main" Button
Click this button to open the [Application] - Edit page (see above).

"Thresholds" Button
Click this button to open the [Application] - Threshold page (see below).

Basic Configuration Options
The top section of the Main tab includes basic options for the WebART check. For explanations of the fields and their meanings, see the Add an Application page above.

"Edit Thresholds" Panel
This panel includes configuration options for the web application total load time threshold check. This check is added to every WebART check automatically and represents the total load time of the application from the perspective of the check source as set in the "Location" field of the Add an Application page (see above). Additional threshold checks can be added on the "Thresholds" tab (see below). See Threshold Checks for information on configuration options.

"Custom Application Check" Panel
This panel includes action group configuration options for the built-in availability service check for this WebART check. See Service Checks for information on configuration options.

[Application] - Threshold Page

This page is where threshold checks for this WebART check are managed. The following threshold checks can be added to a WebART check:

  • Total Time - the total load time of the application from the perspective of the check source as set in the "Location" field of the Add an Application page (see above).
  • DNS Time
  • TCP Time
  • HTTP Time

"Applications List" Button
Click this button to return to the Web Application Administration page (see above).

"[Application] - Main" Button
Click this button to open the Application Performance dashboard for this check.

"Thresholds" Button
Click this button to open the [Application] - Threshold page for this check (this page).

"Threshold Options" Section
This section allows you to add threshold checks to this WebART check. Select the desired threshold check and click the Add Threshold button. This will open the [Application] - Add Threshold page, where you can configure the threshold check and add it to the WebART check. See Threshold Checks for information on configuration options.

"Web Application Threshold Configuration" Table
This table displays all of the threshold checks applied to this WebART check, along with their configuration settings. The columns and their meanings are explained below.

Most resources are configured in pairs (variable one/variable two). See Threshold Checks for more information

  • HIGH – Indicates the high threshold WARNING (yellow) and CRITICAL (red) settings for this variable if either or both are set.
  • LOW – Indicates the low threshold WARNING (yellow) and CRITICAL (red) settings for this variable if either or both are set.
  • ANOMALY – Indicates the anomaly WARNING (yellow) and CRITICAL (red) sensitivity settings for this variable if either or both are set.

Most resources are configured in pairs (variable one/variable two). See Threshold Checks for more information

  • HIGH – Indicates the high threshold WARNING (yellow) and CRITICAL (red) settings for this variable if either or both are set.
  • LOW – Indicates the low threshold WARNING (yellow) and CRITICAL (red) settings for this variable if either or both are set.
  • ANOMALY – Indicates the anomaly WARNING (yellow) and CRITICAL (red) sensitivity settings for this variable if either or both are set.

Indicates the number of action groups selected for the respective threshold check.

The actions available for managing the WebART check. The icons and their meanings are explained in the table below.

Edit - Click to open the [Application] - Add Threshold page where you can edit the configuration the threshold check. See Threshold Checks for information on configuration options.
Deactivate - Click to disable this threshold check. Threshold checks cannot be removed once they are added, but they can be disabled. See Threshold Checks for information on disabling thresholds.

[Application] - Edit Detail Page

This page is where synthetic checks can be edited after being added to a WebART check. The fields and their descriptions are explained below.

This field includes two parts. The upper part specifies the URL of the application to load. The lower part determines how the upper part will be interpreted by the check. There are two options for the lower part.

  • Text of Link
    Only applicable to synthetic check steps after the first step. This option searches an already loaded web page and looks specifically for hyperlinks that contain exactly the text as supplied in the URL field. The supplied text must be the exact full text of the hyperlink; no partial text is allowed. (Note: this is not the full tag for a link, only the text of the hyperlink as visible on the page.)
  • Exact URL
    This option allows you to specify a complete URL address.

Check Description
Specifies a name for this synthetic check step.

Click or Submit
Selects the method by which the chosen form will be submitted to the web application.

Persistent Cookies
Only available for the first synthetic check step.

Ignore Resource Failures
Switch this option to ON for Netreo to not consider the site failing to load additional resources (such as fonts) during the check as a check failure.

Login Validation
This field is for validating a successful login attempt and includes two parts. The upper part selects the method of validation. The lower part specifies the string to match. There are 3 validation methods available.

  • Match Text Entry using a Regular Expression
    This option allows you to use a regular expression to define the search pattern for using the text entered in the lower part for positive validation.
  • Match Text Entry Exactly
    This option specifies that the text entered in the lower part must be matched exactly for positive validation.
  • Match Element using XPath Expression
    This option allows you to use an XPath expression to define the search pattern for using the text entered in the lower part for positive validation.

"Add Subsequent Step" Button
Located at the very bottom of the page. Click this button to open the [Application] - Subsequent Step page (see below). Be sure to save any changes made on this page before adding another synthetic check step.

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