Alert Notification
  • 05 Jun 2024
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Alert Notification

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Article summary

Alert Notifications

An alert notification is how Netreo actively alerts users to problems detected in their monitored infrastructure (i.e., an incident has been created). They may be sent in the following formats:

  • Email
  • Email-based SMS message
  • SNMP trap
  • Mobile push message

Alert notifications are typically sent when an incident is created or has its status updated (this is configurable).

Where and how alert notifications are sent is configured within action groups. These action groups are then assigned to the various monitoring checks in Netreo. When an incident is created (as a result of a failed monitoring check), the incident relies on the action groups assigned to that check to tell it where and how alerts are sent. By default, Netreo uses the "Default Email Alerts" action group as the action group assigned to most monitoring checks (via the "Default" device template), but this may be changed as desired to suit your organization.

When and how often alert notifications and renotifications are sent is configured within the specific monitoring check that creates an incident.

Alert Templates

The structure and contents of an individual alert notification is determined by its alert template. Different alert templates may be used for incidents of different types. Netreo's incident management rules determine which alert template an incident should use when sending its alert notification.

Netreo includes a variety of default alert templates, but you can easily create additional custom templates to suit your needs. Alert templates (and the incident macros used in them) are managed on the Alert Template Administration page (Administration >> Alerts >> Alert Formatting from the main menu). Custom alert templates may use a combination of plain text and incident macros to construct the readable content of an alert message. See existing alert templates to see how they are constructed.

The default alert templates cannot be deleted, but they can be customized. Be aware that if you customize a default template, it cannot restored. Best practice is to create a custom alert template and use that instead.

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