Category (Device Group)
  • 03 Feb 2023
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Category (Device Group)

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Article Summary


Categories are one of the types of device groups available in Netreo. They are used to organize your managed devices into arbitrary groups based on device class (devices, firewalls, routers, servers and switches).

Selecting the name of a category in Netreo opens its category dashboard, where you can view health and performance data for that category.


Every managed device in Netreo always belongs to exactly one category, regardless of any other device groups to which it belongs.

If a device is not assigned to a specific category at the time it is onboarded to Netreo, that device is placed into the “New Devices” category. You may then manually assign that device to whatever category is appropriate for your organizational system. Additionally, any device may be reassigned to a different category at any time.

Netreo provides several default categories for your convenience, but you may wish to create new categories to suit your organizational needs.

The default categories may be deleted, if desired. However, if the “New Devices” category is deleted, Netreo will automatically recreate that category the next time it is needed.

Device Templates

"Category" is one of the levels in the device template hierarchy at which device templates may be applied to managed devices. Each category may have one device template assigned to it on its configuration page. However, no category is required to have a device template assigned to it.

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