- 10 Jan 2023
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Custom Map (Dashboard Widget)
- Updated on 10 Jan 2023
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The Custom Map dashboard widget allows you to display a custom map within a dashboard. (The map must have already been added to Netreo and configured by the user.)
Display Mode
This widget has only a single display mode that scales the map (proportionately) to fill the space provided by the chosen dashboard layout.

The single component for this widget is the custom map configured by the user. All map pins and connections configured by the user for the map are displayed with the map.
Custom maps may be added to Netreo by going to the main menu and selecting Quick Views > Map View > Custom.
Custom Map widgets are added to a dashboard on the Customize Dashboards page (Administration > Users > Custom Dashboards).
Multiple widgets of this type may be added to a dashboard, each with their own configuration.
When adding a Custom Map widget to a dashboard, there are several options that need to be configured before the widget can be used. After adding the widget to a dashboard, save the dashboard and then click the gear icon button on the widget to open the options pop-up dialog.
The fields and their descriptions are outlined below.
Select the custom map to display in the widget. Only one map per widget is allowed.
After adding the widget and saving your options, remember to save the dashboard for its display to be updated.