Deploy a Netreo Virtual Appliance
  • 25 Jul 2023
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Deploy a Netreo Virtual Appliance

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Article summary

All Netreo virtual appliances (core tool, HA nodes, service engines, etc.) are deployed the same way from the same base file. If you already have a downloaded copy of the Netreo VA file appropriate for your virtualization environment, there is no need to download additional copies for other types of deployments. You will, however, need to download a different version of the VA if you wish to deploy in a different virtualization environment than that for which your current downloaded copy is intended.

See Virtualization Options for On-premise Netreo Deployment

To deploy a downloaded appliance. choose your virtualization platform from the options below.

VMware vSphere

Deployment Options

You have two options for deploying Netreo with vSphere:

  • Deploy with a vSphere Windows client directly into your vSphere infrastructure.
  • Deploy with a vSphere web client into a datacenter.

Netreo is supplied as an OVA file intended to be imported as an OVF Template into vCenter vSphere. Downloading and extracting the OVA is not necessary, as vSphere will handle these operations for you. Deploying the Netreo virtual machine is incredibly simple, just be sure to follow the instructions for your vSphere client. Use the table of contents at right to jump directly to the instructions that apply to you.

To Deploy with a vSphere Windows Client

These instructions are for the Windows client of vSphere only, and are not intended for use with the web client. It's expected that you are familiar with the operation of your client.

  1. From the vSphere client main menu, select File > Deploy OVF Template.
  2. Copy the URL from the email you received and paste it into the source field of the deployment dialog and click Next.
  3. The vSphere client will download the OVA, extract the OVF template and deploy it automatically.
Deploying an OVF template in the vSphere Windows client.

It's as simple as that. 

Your new Netreo VM will now appear in vSphere ready to be started.

If you would like to change the IP address of the Netreo VM before running the setup wizard,see "How to Change the Default IP Address of Netreo Through the VM Console" below.

(DO NOT run the setup wizard if your are deploying the appliance as a service engine. Return to the service engine instructions that brought you here and continue from where you left off.)

Otherwise, start the VM and run the Netreo setup wizard.

To Deploy with a vSphere Web Client

These instructions are for the web client of vSphere only, and are not intended for use with the Windows client. It's expected that you are familiar with the operation of your client.

  1. In the web client, select the “VMs and Templates” tab.
  2. Select the datacenter where you wish to deploy Netreo.
  3. From the Actions dropdown menu, select Actions > Deploy OVF Template…
  4. Copy the URL from the email you received and paste it into the source field of the deployment dialog and click Next.
  5. The vSphere client will acquire the OVA, extract the OVF template and deploy it automatically.
Deploying an OVF template in the vSphere web client.

It's as simple as that. Your new Netreo VM will now appear in vSphere ready to be started.

If you would like to change the IP address of the Netreo VM before running the setup wizard,see "How to Change the Default IP Address of Netreo Through the VM Console" below.

(DO NOT run the setup wizard if your are deploying the appliance as a service engine. Return to the service engine instructions that brought you here and continue from where you left off.)

Otherwise, start the VM and run the Netreo setup wizard.

Microsoft Hyper-V

For Microsoft users, Netreo is provided as a compressed directory file containing a prebuilt instance of an Netreo Hyper-V virtual machine ready for import.

When you are ready to deploy Netreo through your Hyper-V Manager, follow these instructions.

  1. Download the Netreo virtual appliance file (tbd) to a convenient place on your virtualization server.
  2. Extract the compressed directory (right-click and select Extract All…). You will be deleting both the file and the extracted directory later, so any convenient working location is fine for the extraction.
  3. On your virtualization server, make sure you are logged in with an Administrator account, then open Hyper-V Manager (from the Windows Start menu, click Start > Administrative Tools > Hyper-V Manager).
  4. From the navigation pane of Hyper-V Manager, click on the computer running Hyper-V to connect to the local virtualization server.
  5. Click “Import Virtual Machine…” in the Actions window on the right, or right-click on the highlighted computer and select Import Virtual Machine… from the menu, to begin the import wizard.
  6. If you are greeted with the “Before You Begin” window—when you are ready to proceed, click Next. Otherwise, just skip to the next step.
  7. Browse to the location of the directory you extracted earlier and click Next.
  8. Click on the Netreo virtual appliance to select it and click Next.
  9. For Import Type, choose “Copy the virtual machine (create a new unique ID).” Click Next.
  10. Specify where to store the virtual machine files. Either specify your own locations or use the defaults. Click Next.
  11. Specify where to store the imported virtual hard disks. Either browse to your own location or use the one provided by the dialog (recommended). Click Next.
  12. In the summary window, confirm all of your selected options. Click Finish to complete the wizard, or click Previous to make changes.
  13. Once the copying process completes, a new Netreo virtual machine should be available in Hyper-V Manager in the window labeled Virtual Machines.
  14. In the Actions window on the right, under your Netreo virtual machine, click “Start,” or right-click on the Netreo virtual machine and select Start from the menu, to start the virtual machine.
  15. The virtual machine will begin to boot (this process takes roughly 60 - 90 seconds).

Once you know that your Netreo virtual machine is working properly, you may delete the downloaded file and extracted directory.

If you would like to change the IP address of the Netreo VM before running the setup wizard,see "How to Change the Default IP Address of Netreo Through the VM Console" below.

(DO NOT run the setup wizard if your are deploying the appliance as a service engine. Return to the service engine instructions that brought you here and continue from where you left off.)

Otherwise, start the VM and run the Netreo setup wizard.

Change the Netreo Appliance Default IP Address

If desired, Netreo's IP address can be changed before running the setup wizard using the VM console,

To assign a new IP address to Netreo using this alternative method, follow these steps:

  1. In your hypervisor, activate the console for your Netreo VM.
  2. Log in to Netreo using the following credentials:
    • Username: config
    • Password: omniconf
  3. Enter y to begin the IP setup process.
  4. Provide the IP address, default gateway and DNS server address to be used.
  5. Once Netreo has finished testing and applying the entered information, log out of the VM console and proceed to the setup wizard instructions.
    • The new IP address will already be displayed in the appropriate section of the wizard.

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