- 13 May 2024
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Device (Dashboard Widget)
- Updated on 13 May 2024
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The Device widget shows a summary of useful statistic and health status information specific to the type of device being displayed. It is essentially the same information that can be found on the Overview tab of the Device Dashboard.
Display Mode
This widget has two display modes, wide and narrow. The narrow mode omits the statistics display and shows only health status information. The widget will automatically choose the correct mode based on the layout of the dashboard it is placed in. The following images show the wide and narrow display modes, respectively.
The Device widget as it appears in a wide dashboard layout.

This widget contains several distinct sets of information outlined below. The device name displayed in the upper left corner is a clickable link to the device's Device dashboard.
Device Icon and Status
In the top left of the Overview tab is shown the icon representing devices of this type. These icons are how host device types are represented on the topology maps (below).
Below this are four indicators representing the current number of monitoring checks assigned to this device that are in the CRITICAL, WARNING, ACKNOWLEDGED and HEALTHY states. If any of these indicators have no checks in that state, they will show a faded 0.

If the device is a virtual resource, information about its host, cluster and hypervisor will appear below the status indicators. These are clickable links that will navigate to the item's respective dashboards.
Host Information Panel

Below the status indicators is the HOST INFORMATION panel (collapsed, click to expand), which contains the following information:
- Current State
Displays an indicator showing the current reachability state of the host (up or down). To the right of the indicator is a button labeled Status Details that will open the "Status Details" dialog for the device.The Status Details pop-up.
- Last Reboot Time
The operating duration since the last time the device successfully booted. If the device has been continuously operating for a very long period of time, and what's reported here seems wrong, it may be that the counter in the device has reached its maximum value and has rolled-over to zero again, like the odometer in a car. Refer to the device manufacturer for more information. - Type of Device
The name of the device type assigned to this device. - Category
The category this device belongs to. Clickable to open the Category Dashboard for that category. - Site
The site this device belongs to. Clickable to open the Site Dashboard for that site. - Address
Displays the physical address location configured for the site to which this device belongs. - Business Workflow(s)
Displays the strategic groups that this device belongs to. Click a Strategic Group name to open its dashboard. For users logged in as administrators, an "Edit" link next to each strategic group opens the edit page for that strategic group. - Uptime
Shows, as a percentage, the uptime of the host for the following time frames:- Previous Month - From the first day to the last day of the previous calendar month.
- Month to Date - From the first of the current month to the present day.
- 7d - The previous seven days.
- 1d - The past 24-hours.
- Serial Number
The serial number of the device. - Description
The manufacturer's device description. - Device Information
Various collected information about the device, such as device serial number and software version. If a Log button appears on the right of the title bar, it means that Netreo has detected and logged changes to the hardware. Click the button to open a pop-up display showing the hardware change log. - Device Attributes
Information about miscellaneous attributes associated with this device (such as the Microsoft Azure subscription ID for an Azure managed device).
Host Current Issues Panel
Below the HOST INFORMATION panel is the HOST CURRENT ISSUES panel. This panel displays current incidents affecting this device sorted by duration (how long it has existed), from shortest to longest. It provides the following three pieces of information:
The nature of the respective incident. Threshold check incidents are clickable, and open an Exceeded Thresholds page. The icons to the left of the incident type open the Incident View dashboard for that problem when clicked. - DESCRIPTION
The description (name) of the specific check responsible for that incident. - DURATION
The total length of time for which this incident has existed (whether acknowledged, or not). The list is always sorted by duration from shortest to longest.

Statistics Info Area
The rest of the Overview tab displays a collection of what is generally considered to be the most immediately useful information about that device type. This information is selected from the other tabs for display here so that you don't need to dig through them to find it. (However, any information being displayed here can still also be found on the relevant tab of the dashboard.)
If the device is a router or a switch, and the interface zoom feature has been activated for any of that device's interfaces, bandwidth, error and speed data for those interfaces will be shown at the top of the display.

For statistics displayed in this area that have had a threshold check configured for them, the background of the statistic display will reflect the current state of its threshold check. Additionally, a small star/asterisk icon will appear to the left of the statistic value. This icon will reflect the current state of its anomaly check, if one is configured. If no anomaly check is configured for this statistic, the icon will appear gray. If no threshold check is configured for this statistic at all, the background will simply appear white (see image below). Note that statistics are recorded and displayed for each device regardless of whether a threshold or anomaly check is configured for them.

Device widgets are added to a dashboard on the Customize Dashboards page (Administration > Users > Custom Dashboards).
Multiple widgets of this type may be added to a dashboard, each with their own configuration.
When adding a Device widget to a dashboard, there are several options that need to be configured before the widget can be used. After adding the widget to a dashboard, save the dashboard and then click the gear icon button on the widget to open the options pop-up dialog.
The fields and their descriptions are outlined below.
Select a device group of the type that contains the device you wish this widget to display. - OPTIONS
Select the specific device group that contains the device you wish this widget to display. - DEVICE
Select the specific device you wish this widget to display.
After adding the widget and saving your options, remember to save the dashboard for its display to be updated.