Device Management Dashboard
  • 10 Jan 2024
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Device Management Dashboard

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Article summary

The device management dashboard provides a visual display of the Netreo device onboarding process. This dashboard is only available to users with the Admin or SuperAdmin access levels.

Open the device management dashboard by navigating to Administration > Device Management. The different parts of the dashboard and their meanings are outlined below.

Device Management Page

"Devices In Use" Display
Displays the number of devices on your network currently consuming a managed device license.

"Devices Licensed" Display
Displays the total number of managed device licenses purchased for this deployment.

"Valid" Display
Displays the last date for which your license will be valid. Click the gear in the upper right to open the Netreo License Information page, where you can update or request a license.

"Discovery" List
This list indicates which device sources Netreo has discovered new devices through (a checkmark means Netreo has added a device from that source). Sources are periodically scanned for new IP addresses to send to the Interrogation list (below). Addresses that pass interrogation are added as devices. Click a source name to open the administration page for that source.

The sources shown in the Discovery list are as follows:

  • IP Scanning
    Devices have been added through the Netreo subnet scanner.
  • Virtualization
    Virtual resources have been added through a connected hypervisor.
  • Overview
    Devices have been added through a Netreo client of a Netreo system acting as an Overview.
  • Cloud
    Cloud resources have been added through a connected cloud services provider.
  • ServiceNow
    Devices have been added through a connected ServiceNow CMDB.
    Devices have been added through a managed SDWAN controller.
  • Logging
    Devices have been added through being recognized as a provider of log data.
  • Traffic
    Devices have been added through being recognized as a provider of traffic flow data.

"Interrogation" List
This list displays the number of detected IP addresses that have been placed in each of the listed states since Netreo has been started. Click a status to open its tab on the Interrogation page (below) to view detailed information any IP addresses in that state.

The interrogation states are defined below:

  • New
    A newly discovered IP address ready to be processed.
  • Failed
    IP address has not been added to Netreo as a managed device. Device IP address is pingable, but no available authentication credentials worked for polling the device.
  • Added
    IP address has been added to Netreo as a managed device. Device IP address is pingable and authentication credentials work for polling the device.
  • Enabled
    This managed device was automatically disabled by Netreo (see below)—but is again pingable and has been automatically re-enabled.
  • Disabled
    Monitoring and polling on this device has been automatically disabled by Netreo because the device has been down for longer than the AUTOMATICALLY DISABLE DEVICE setting in the Netreo system preferences allows.
  • Filtered
    IP address has not been added to Netreo as a managed device. The device was filtered in accordance with either the AUTOMATICALLY FILTER GUESTS setting on the Virtualization Administration page or the "Filter to automatically exclude devices by name" setting in the Auto Configuration Parameters Administration page.
  • Duplicate
    A managed device in Netreo is already using this IP address.

Auto-Configuration/Template Links
These two items represent steps in the onboarding process for which there is no visual depiction. Each item is a link to open the appropriate administration page for either autoconfiguration parameters or device templates.

"Not Validated" List
This list displays the number of devices that are awaiting validation or have been disabled from monitoring. Click the list to open the New Device Validation page (below), where device that have not yet been validated can be viewed and validated manually.

"Under Management" List
This list displays how many managed devices Netreo is currently monitoring and how many are currently disabled and not being monitored. Click "Devices Monitored" to open the Devices Under Management page (below), where currently monitored devices can be viewed. Click "Devices Disabled" to open the Disabled Devices page, where currently disabled devices can be viewed.

Interrogation Page

The Interrogation page is opened by clicking on any item in the Interrogation list on the Device Management page (above).

This page is where detailed information about discovered IP addresses being processed by the Netreo candidates engine can be found. See above for interrogation state explanations. Select the status you wish to view from the tabs at the top of the page.

The Candidates table that appears on each tab shows some combination of the following information.

    The candidate IP address.
    The name of the device once the IP address has been successfully interrogated. Click the device name to navigate to the device dashboard for that device.
    A device may have multiple interfaces with different IP addresses. The managed IP is the address used to manage the device in Netreo, to prevent duplicate devices being added for each discovered IP address.
    The scanning source that discovered this IP address (as listed in the Discovery list on the Device Management page above).
    The date/time stamp when the candidate IP address was discovered.
    The date/time stamp of the last status change of the IP address within the candidates table (failed, disabled, etc.).
    The total number of times a discovery poll has been run on that IP address.
    The number of times this IP address has been discovered on a network after a device with that address has already been added to Netreo.

The Failed tab additionally provides options to delete or re-interrogate any candidate IP addresses selected in the table. Deleted IP addresses will be rediscovered if they still exist on the network.

New Device Validation Page

The New Device Validation page is opened by clicking on the Devices Monitored list item in the Not Validated list on the Device Management page (above).

This page is where newly discovered devices (that have not been set to automatically validate with an autoconfiguration rule) await manual validation from an administrator before being added to Netreo as a managed device. Devices that have not yet been validated are still polled and monitored, but will not show up in the user interface or send alert notifications for alarms.

The validation step of onboarding devices is intended as a staging area for devices being autodiscovered by Netreo where an administrator can review how devices are being configured for monitoring before the devices are seen by general users in the dashboards. This provides an opportunity to modify the configuration of devices, as appropriate, before Netreo starts displaying, monitoring and alerting on them.

Along with a device's name and device type, the table displays tactical overview-style data about a device that can be useful in helping administrators determine whether or not they wish to validate it and display it to users as a managed device.

Not Validated Disabled Devices Page

The Not Validated Disabled Devices page is opened by clicking on the Devices Disabled list item in the Not Validated list on the Device Management page (above).

This section is currently being revised.

Devices Under Management Page

The Devices Under Management page is opened by clicking on the Devices Monitored list item in the Under Management list on the Device Management page (above).

This page is where all managed devices being actively monitored by Netreo can be found.

The Devices Under Management table displays groups of devices by category, site or device type, selected using the buttons at the top of the table. The table entry for a group displays information for the entire group. Click the arrow to the left of a group name to expand that group and see all of the individual devices it contains.

The table columns are explained below.

    The name of the device group type selected.
    The number of managed devices contained within that group.
    The percentage of hosts in the group that are currently determined to be available (pingable). If all hosts in the group are up, a checkmark will be displayed.
    Note:When calculating the percentage of hosts up in a category for this column, Netreo currently rounds the value up. This means that values of 99.01% and higher (possible when monitoring large numbers of devices) will display as 100%. Only a green checkmark correctly indicates that 100% of hosts are available.
    The percentage of hosts in the group that are configured to poll for statistical data. If all hosts in the group are configured to poll, a checkmark will be displayed.
    The percentage of hosts in the group that are configured to send traffic flow data to Netreo. If all hosts in the group are configured to send data, a checkmark will be displayed.
    The percentage of hosts in the group that are configured to send log data to Netreo. If all hosts in the group are configured to send data, a checkmark will be displayed.

An Export to CSV button above the search box allows the list and its data to be exported to a CSV file and downloaded.

Disabled Devices Page

The Disabled Devices page is opened by clicking on the Devices Disabled list item in the Under Management list on the Device Management page (above).

This page is where managed devices that have been disabled can be viewed. Devices may be disabled either manually, by an administrator, or automatically by Netreo, if the device has been down for a specified number of hours (as configured on the System Preferences page - default is 24).

The Disabled Devices table displays some basic information about any disabled devices, including device name, IP address, category device group, site device group, and device type. Click the device name to navigate to the device dashboard for that device.

An Export to CSV button above the search box allows the list and its data to be exported to a CSV file and downloaded.

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