- 18 Jul 2023
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Geographic Map (Dashboard Widget)
- Updated on 18 Jul 2023
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The Geographic Map dashboard widget displays a map of the world. Any of your site device groups that include latitude and longitude information in their configuration (either manually, or through geocoding) appear as pins on the map. Sites with no coordinate information will not show on the map.
Display Mode
Unlike other types of dashboard widgets, the Geographic Map widget automatically scales itself to fit whatever layout mode has been selected for the dashboard, with no change to the display.

There is only one component for this widget, the map itself.
The map initially loads zoomed in as much as possible while still showing all sites. Click and drag on an empty area of the map to move the viewable area. In the upper left corner, "+" and "-" buttons zoom the map in and out, respectively.
The map pins for each site will reflect the worst status of any checks assigned to devices in that site (mouse over the site to see more detailed information). Click on a site to navigate to its device group dashboard.

Any sites that are configured to be connected to other sites display gray lines between each connected site. This allows you to visualize your site network connections.
The Geographic Map widget is added to a dashboard on the Customize Dashboards page (Administration > Users > Custom Dashboards).
Multiple widgets of this type may be added to a dashboard.
When adding a Business Workflow Histogram widget to a dashboard, there is one option that need to be configured before the widget can be used. After adding the widget to a dashboard, save the dashboard and then select the gear icon on the widget to open the options pop-up dialog.
The fields and their descriptions are outlined below.
Use this field to determine which sites are shown on the map. Only sites containing managed devices which also belong to the selected business workflow are displayed on the map. Selecting All displays all sites containing devices belonging to any business workflow. Selecting All Devices displays sites containing any managed devices, regardless of whether those devices belong to a business workflow or not.
After adding the widget and saving your options, remember to save the dashboard for its display to be updated.