Meraki WAN Status (Service Check)
  • 10 Jan 2023
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Meraki WAN Status (Service Check)

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Article summary

Service Check Category: Interface Checks

Passive: No

Description: This check looks for Meraki WAN status based on the wan_length value returned from the Meraki API as an integer. Initially it checks the network_id, organization_id, device_serial and api_key (specified for your Meraki account on the Cloud Monitoring Administration page) to verify the authenticity of the device. If any of these parameters are missing, it throws an error as “missing credential”, but the check exits and remains in an OK state.

If the device authentication passes, then it checks the wan_length to see the status of the WAN.

  • wan_length = 0 returns “No WAN returned from API”, check enters a CRITICAL state.
  • wan_length = 1 returns “Only 1 WAN recognized by device”, check enters a CRITICAL state.
  • wan_length = 2 returns “There are two WANs”, each WAN is then checked:
    • If WAN 1 is Active and WAN 2 is Ready, check remains in an OK state.
    • If WAN 1 is not Active, returns "WAN 1 is not Active", check enters a CRITICAL state.
    • If WAN 1 is Active but WAN 2 is not Ready, returns "WAN 1 is Active, WAN 2 is not Ready", check enters a CRITICAL state.
  • wan_length > 2 returns “Something went wrong. Device recognizes more than 2 WANs. Please contact support”, check enters a CRITICAL state.

Check-specific Fields:
(See the entry Service Check for details on basic configuration options.)

    (Required) This field specifies a name for this check. The name entered must be unique among service check names on the host it is added to (the name may used again only on a different host). It is used to identify this specific check from among other service checks added to the same host.

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