- 10 Jan 2023
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Site Topology (Dashboard Widget)
- Updated on 10 Jan 2023
- 2 Minutes to read
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The Site Topology dashboard widget provides a visual display of the parent/child relationships of managed devices within a specified site device group.
Display Modes
This widget has only one display mode, regardless of dashboard layout. In narrow layouts, the display space of the topology map is cropped to fit the available area. However, the elements are not scaled, so this may result in much of the topology not being visible without manual scaling of the map.
The Site Topology dashboard widget as it appear in a wide dashboard layout.

There is only one component for this widget, the map itself.
Parent/child relationships are represented by lines connecting two device icons, with an arrow at one end pointing to the parent. If the parent of a device is a member of a different site device group, the parent will be represented with a site icon for the site the parent is a member of.
Devices and sites with problems will display a ring around their icon that changes color to reflect the worst status of any of its checks or members. Host-down conditions cause a red circle background to be displayed for the icon. A node with no problems will display as green. This allows a very quick assessment of the entire site.
Hover the cursor over a device on the map to display the device name, its IP address and a tactical overview-style display of the status of its host availability and service, threshold and anomaly checks. Hover the cursor over a site icon to display a list of issues with that site.

Click a device icon to navigate to the Topology tab of the device dashboard for that device. Click a site icon to navigate to the Topology tab of the site dashboard for that site.
Click and drag on an empty area of the map to reposition the map. To scale the entire map, click the + or - buttons in the top left corner.
The Geographic Map widget is added to a dashboard on the Customize Dashboards page (Administration > Users > Custom Dashboards).
Only one widget of this type may be added to a dashboard.
When adding a Site Topology widget to a dashboard, there are several options that need to be configured before the widget can be used. After adding the widget to a dashboard, save the dashboard and then click the gear icon button on the widget to open the options pop-up dialog.
The fields and their descriptions are outlined below.
This field specifies the site topology to be displayed in the widget.
After adding the widget and saving your options, remember to save the dashboard for its display to be updated.